Final Evaluation (30%)
Specific Expectations:
- demonstrate comprehension of specific information in detailed, complex directions, instructions, and classroom presentations
- present ideas and information orally for academic purposes in a wide variety of situations
- use correctly the grammatical structures of spoken English appropriate for this level
- use appropriately a wide variety of pronunciation, stress, rhythm, and intonation patterns of spoken English to communicate meaning accurately
- demonstrate an understanding of complex authentic texts in a variety of ways
- write complex texts to convey information and ideas for academic purposes using a wide variety of forms
- organize information in a logically structured essay of five or more paragraphs that includes a thesis statement, body, and conclusion
- use a wide variety of connecting devices and transition words and phrases to show relationships between ideas and information in linked sentences and paragraphs
Learning Goal(s):
- Read and respond to questions about the short story " Priscilla and the Wimps"
- Correctly identify the grammatical errors in writing.
- Plan, organize and write a five paragraph essay on a familiar topic