Lesson 2.2 Federal Government Levels; Assignment 1 Presentations
Learning Goals: By the end of this lesson you will be able to
- understand the role of Sergeant At Arms and the House of Commons
- understand the requirements and expectations for Assignment 1 Current Event Presentation and participate in the Building of Success Criteria
- Assignment 1 Editing and Reviewing and Presentations
What kind of weather (ex: sunny, raining, cloudy, hot, cold, etc.) do you like best and why? What temperature do you prefer? Hot, Warm or Cool? Explain your thinking.
**50 words; Answer below in Moodle; Respond to 2 classmates' postingsPDF and post your Assignment 1 Canadian Current Event Presentation here.
What is the role of the Sergeant-at-Arms? Who is the current Sergeant-at-Arms? Do you think their role is important? Explain.
**75 Words; Answer below in Moodle
"Like the Senate, the House of Commons is part of Parliament. However, it is the most powerful branch of Parliament."
Look up the following positions and define them:
1. Members of Parliament (MPs)
2. Speaker of the House (list who the current one is)
3. Prime Minister (list who the current one is)
4. Cabinet Ministers
5. Leader of the Official Opposition (list who the current one is)
6. Shadow Cabinet