LESSON #17 - Midterm & Interview (OF Learning)
Learning Goals: By the end of this lesson you will be able to
(1) understand the elements of a documentary film;
(2) have been assessed on your course work achievements and shortcomings up to the mid-term
Each student will have a 1:1 interview with the teacher in a Break Out Room lasting about 10 minutes.
During the interviews, the rest of the class will watch a new 73-minute-long National Film Board of Canada documentary film titled THE PERFECT STORY. The film examines the effect of lies and false information in news reporting. This news story has just come to public attention in Canada.
The teacher has prepared a series of questions to help you stay focussed on the film. Please answer the questions as you watch the film while he conducts the student interviews.
Read through the questions before the film begins.
Download the questions with your answers here.
There are six [6] famous paintings in this assignment for download and study.
Choose any two (2) of the paintings, and write a descriptive paragraph of what narrative/story you feel they portray. Use your imagination rather than research the Internet. Ask yourself W5+H questions to help prompt your brainstorming, but don't use W5+H words (who, what, where, when, how) in your paragraph.
I expect one page (double-spaced) for each painting. Please indicate the name of the painting or the artist with your paragraph.
Please download on Moodle what you consider to be your two (2) best entries on your Portfolio.
If you are handwriting your Portfolio take photos of your chosen work and submit that.
The submission deadline is Sunday at 12 noon (Canada time). No extensions!!!
Please complete before you exit the class.
These Exit Cards, as well as your asynchronous assignments, are being tracked and will become part of your Final Course Mark.