Finding Poems Assignment
Using the February 14, 2018 Parkland, Florida shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School as an example of a dramatic incident described in a newspaper article turned into a poem, you will search online for something as dramatic such as a war, a terrorist attack, a Covid outbreak, a tragic accident etc. as the basis for a "found poem".
Compiled from “School shooting’s 911 transcript a tale of grief, horror, dismay.” The Toronto Star, March 12, 2018. Click here to access article.
Copy the article into a WordDoc and use the highlighter feature in Word to isolate words and phrases that you feel capture the event and the emotion of the newspaper article. These will be the "building blocks" of your new poem.
Organize and structure those words and phrases together, either chronologically or anyway other way you wish, to create what you consider to be a poem - no more than 50 lines in length.
TIPS: vary the lengths of each line; don't try and make whole sentences (this is not prose, it's poetry)
Post your copy of the article with highlights and your poem in the same WordDoc.
Submission Format: PDF (include your name and date); Double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt font.