Grammar Focus - Run on Sentences

A run-on sentence is a sentence with at least two independent clauses (complete thoughts) which are forced together instead of being properly connected. 

Please review the PowerPoint presentation on Run-on Sentences before you begin this activity.

 Directions: Correct the following run-on sentences. Remember, there are three ways to fix run-on sentences! 

  1.  My mother and father and sister are coming to dinner tonight we will eat chicken.
  2. I like learning English it makes me tired
  3.  My sister was taller than me when we were young now I am the tallest it is fun.
  4.  I love school, I love learning, my teacher is nice. 
  5.  I don’t want much for Christmas just some chocolates and a little toy car 
  6.  Blue is my favorite color it is the color of the sky and the sea and it reminds me of my favorite insect which is the butterfly. 
  7. When I get older I want to have a big family I like big families.
  8.  We usually leave at 11:00 but today is different we are leaving at 10:30. 
  9.  I like Tuesdays and Wednesdays and I like Fridays because the weekend starts on Friday.  
  10.  We should get moving there’s no time to waste.