Opened: Saturday, 8 April 2023, 3:00 AM
Due: Saturday, 8 April 2023, 4:30 AM

This assignment will be your 7th and final evaluation towards 70% of your course grade

MY FIRST CHRISTMAS ON MARS: Using the knowledge you gained from your study of LIFE ON MARS, write a fictional diary entry describing how you spent your first Christmas Day on Mars from sunrise to sunset. 

Integrate some of the environmental and human challenges the planet still presents for you on your first Christmas Day on Mars from sunrise to sunset.  You should imagine it is the year 2035 and you now are an adult (maybe with your own kids !!)

This assignment is an assessment of how you are able to blend the knowledge you have about writing clearly and effectively, with what you now know about Mars, and what you have learned about the meaning of Christmas.

LENGTH: between 350-450 words. Must be double-spaced and without any awkward language which might indicate you did not read your assignment out loud to detect common errors before submitting.