Homework 2.1

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For your homework assignment, read Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost. The poem can be found in Unit 2 - Resource Folder.

There are a number of questions required for you to answer. The teacher is expecting about 500 words in total for the 8 questions.

  1. Can you identify any common theme or similarity between this poem and Frost’s other poem Acquainted With the Night?  Your answer should be, “Yes.” In what ways are they similar?
  2. How can you connect the poem to some experience in your own life ... Past or Present? 
  3. What can you praise about the text? 
  4. What problems do you find with the text?
  5. What is your favourite sound imagery?
  6. Why do you think Frost repeats the last line?
  7. Identify one example of the use of alliteration.
  8. Frost’s poems are never just about the event he describes. They can be considered as an allegory (look up the meaning of the word in today’s GLOSSARY). What could this poem really be about?
Submission: Submit your answers to the above questions in PDF format. (Your file can't be more than 20 MB)