Activity 1.2.2 – Seminar Presentation

Make a submission

For this activity, each student or pair of students will be assigned  topic to research and present as a five (5) minute oral presentation

You can present the topic assigned to you in any way you choose ( you may choose to include visuals or illustrations)

The specific expectation is that you will present the seminar participants with a clear, concise summation of the issue you research. You don't need to present too many details, but your presentation must cover the main ideas. 

Every other student will be allowed to view the video you post.

Keep in mind that the context for a seminar is an examination of the historical treatment of First Nations/Indigenous peoples in Canada.

The teacher will assign one of the following topics for research to one or more students, depending on the size of the class. 

Each topic is focused on a particular Canadian First Nations/Indigenous issue and is searchable on the Internet.

  1. Life and Death in the Kamloops Indian Residential School
  2. The purpose of the Indian residential school system
  3. The role of churches in the residential school system
  4. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)
  5. The Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women Commission (MMIW)
  6. The impact of the residential school system on survivors today

Submission: (teacher to choose one of the following options)

 You will present your topic to the class & upload your script and ppt to Moodle i.

Below are some resources that may help you complete this assignment. 
Your file must be less than 20 MB