Activity 3.3.2 – “The Huntsman” by Anton Chekhov
Read the short story The Huntsman by Anton Chekhov (can be found in Unit 3 - Resource Folder)
The story begins with very powerful uses of personification and imagery. Quote:
“The sun-baked grass had a disconsolate, hopeless look: even if there were rain it could never be green again. . . . The forest stood silent, motionless, as though it were looking at something with its tree-tops or expecting something”.
Notice the use of three dots breaks [...] throughout the story. What is their significance?
Imagine that you are being asked to summarize the plot of The Huntsman. Think of stepping into an elevator and a friend asks you what the story is about. You have less than 2 minutes to summarize what happens.
Prepare a written outline point-by-point and then record your summary of what the story is about in a video of no more than two (2) minutes. Submit BOTH your written outline and video.
NOTE: The teacher may invite a few of the students’ to share their plot summaries and provide peer assessments.
Submission: video & PDF format. (file size can't be more than 20 MB)