Short Film Analysis: "Stop"

Opened: Tuesday, 3 October 2023, 9:00 PM
Due: Thursday, 5 October 2023, 12:45 AM

You are going to be working on a film analysis of the short film, "Stop".

You will be answering the following questions. Please write in complete sentences, check for grammar and spelling, and provide reasoning. 

1. What sport was Zayrek (the main character) and his friend playing at the start of the film?

2. What does Zayrek want to do after high school? Does it seem important to him? Is he confident in his abilities?

3. Does Zayrek seem like he is a good student? Support your answer.

4. Why do you think the police stopped Zayrek on his way home? List 3 ways black people are stereotyped to support your answer. 

5. What do you think the police were looking for when they asked to check Zarek's backpack?

6. How do you think Zayrek was feeling when this police incident occurred?

7. Did the police pronounce Zayrek's name correctly? How can mispronunciation of a name be harmful to an individual with a unique name?

8. Why did Zayrek say nothing to his mother about his police encounter? 

9. Do you think Zayrek's police encounter would have been different if he was of a different race?

10. Do you think Zayrek's police encounter could have been worse? What do you think could have potentially occurred?