Activity 1 During Reading
Instructions: As you read the story " Shark Attack Survivor", use the following techniques to make sense of what you have read:
A. Visualize - create a picture in your mind about what is being described. If you feel confident, sketch ( draw) what you see in your head. If you don't wish to draw, then find a picture that represents what you imagine.
B. Make Inferences - I think _________ because the story says ________
C. Make Connections - This text reminds me of _________________________
D. Think to Read - When I see an unfamiliar word or phrase, I _______________________
E. Take Notes - Look for the main ideas, use only a few words, use words that I understand, use colours and symbolsTHEN Once you have finished reading the text, take notes on how you used the techniques listed above, and add them to your original notes on the story.
Submit your work here!
Submission Format: PDF (include your name, date and assignment title); Double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt font.