Assignment: Odd Juxtaposed Contours Drawing

Due: Monday, 11 March 2024, 1:00 PM

Odd Juxtaposed Contours Drawing 

juxtapose – verb-(used with object), -posed, -posing. to place close together or side by side, esp. for comparison or contrast. 

contour – noun-the outline of a figure or body; the edge or line that defines or bounds a shape or object. 

STEP ONE: CREATE a series of 12 small CONTOUR drawings on a sheet paper(A4 or bigger size), *(Minimum of a dimension of 2 inches x 2 inches) of objects that you would not normally place together. A great example of this style of art is found in this handout. You can find images in magazines or the internet in order to help you get ideas and create more proportional pieces of work. You need to use any colour medium(watercolour/colour pencil or Values for shading(markers for outline) to complete this assignment. Do thumbnails in your sketchbook first, to work out each square. size requirement: Minimum 2 inches x 2 inches.

REMEMBER: to write the description labels below each juxtapose square when you are finished. 

STEP TWO: REFLECT: Answer the following questions on the reverse side of your project or on a separate sheet of paper: 

 1) What aspect of your finished work do you find most successful and why? 

 2) What aspect of your finished work do you find least successful and why? 

 3) If you had to do this project again what would you change/improve and why?