Due: Sunday, 24 March 2024, 11:59 PM


“Context” definition:

• the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation

or event, “the historical context”

This project involves you examining and then recontextualizing

a traditional piece of art.

The visual recontextualizing can occur through the

following choices:

• changing the context of the original, i.e. a person with a ski mask may seem acceptable on a ski hill – but

how does the context change of a ski masked person walking into a bank?

• modernizing a traditional work to create a new meaning/context

• combining multiple traditional works to create new meaning/context

STEP ONE: Begin researching traditional works of art and then think about how you can possibly recontextualize one.

STEP TWO: Print off a few traditional works and in your sketchbook make a series of 3 conceptual designs of your

ideas in your sketchbook.

STEP THREE: Have your sketch approved by the teacher before starting your large drawing.

WRITE your Artistic Statement Template to document your artistic process. Who has influenced your

recontextualization and why?

STEP FOUR: REFLECT: Answer the following questions 

using the elements and principles of design and complete your Artistic Statement Template for formal evaluation.

1. What part of your finished project did you find most successful and why?

2. What part of your finished project did you find least successful and why?

3. If you had to do this project, what part would you change or improve on and why?

Artistic Statement Template Name:____________

Artwork Title:______________________________________________

A) Influences and research from past and present works:

What is the title of the original work:

What is the original context/meaning of the work:

What is your new recontextualization and how have you changed the context?:

B) Drawing techniques used in my work and how they support my intended visual

recontextualization message/theme:


Starry nights

Vincent Van Gogh Starry Night Print 14 x 11"

Batman signal