Period B As Learning Resume Building Planning May 22

Opened: Wednesday, 22 May 2024, 1:00 PM
Due: Thursday, 23 May 2024, 1:00 PM

Review the resources on Resume Building in Lesson 2.4.  Think about the education, skills, strengths and experiences that you already have.  Then fill in the categories below with your information to start planning your resume.

1. Education: List all the schools you attended and the years you finished these schools.

2. Experiences: List any special travel or experiences that you have had.

3. Skills: List any special skills that you have and be specific (ex. technical, artistic, languages, communication).

4. Strengths: List your character strength

5. Interests and Hobbies: List your special interests and hobbies (ex. sports, nature, music, art etc.)

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