Post Reading Response

Instructions: After reading the article, respond to the following questions. These questions are designed to help you reflect on your reading process. There are no right or wrong answers! 

  1. Retell the important ideas and information that you read.

  2. What background knowledge did you have that helped you understand this piece?

  3. Choose the most important information and ideas in what you read, put it in your own words, and explain why it is so important.

  4. Who else might be interested in what you have read and why?

  5. What more do you want to know now that you have read this text? Where might you go to

    find out?

  6. Explain how what you read is like something else you have viewed or read.

  7. Explain your personal reaction to what you have read.

  8. How is this information useful to you in your life or to someone that you know?

  9. Choose some words or phrases that the writer used that you might find useful in your own reading and writing.

  10. Choose an unfamiliar word in what you read. What strategies did you use to make sense of it?

  11. In your opinion, was this an easy, moderately easy, or difficult piece to read? Explain.