Assignment 1 - Oral Presentation (5%)
This assignment is worth 5% of your Final Course mark
Overall Expectation:
Speaking to Communicate: use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes;
Learning Goal(s):
I will be able to incorporate in a brief speech a variety of vocal strategies (i.e. tone, pitch, volume, body language, visual supports etc) in what I say and how I say to interest a general audience.
Success Criteria:
I am successful when I can demonstrate confidence in public speaking with the use of effective oral communication techniques and strategies to keep an audience focused and interested in what I am saying.
Assignment Description:
To demonstrate that you can incorporate effective speaking techniques and strategies that were demonstrated and studied in the active listening and speaking lessons, you will prepare, practice and present a 5-6 minute speech (without hand-held notes); using PowerPoint.
You may select any topic that interests you, but you must obtain the teacher’s approval before beginning the assignment.
Note: Please should submit the following before recording your speech:
A PLAN - topic chosen, PPT slides, and transcripts
Before beginning, please consult the posted Rubric for specific expectations and marking.Submission: (teacher to choose one of the following options)
- You will present this to the whole class & upload your notes to Moodle in PDF format.
- Upload your response as video and your notes in PDF format to Moodle.
Your file must be less than 20 MB