Due: Sunday, 21 April 2024, 10:00 AM \'pau.(-*) 1a: possession of control, authority, or influence over others 1b: one having such power; specific : a sovereign state archaic 1c: a force of armed men chiefly dial 2a1: ability to act or produce an effect 2b: legal or official authority, capacity, or right POWER may imply latent or exerted, physical, mental, or spiritual ability to act or be acted upon; 

A montage (literally "putting together") is an art form consisting of a number of smaller visuals put together. What are the different kinds of power?

 • Secular • Religious • Political

-singer -idol -sports figure 

STEP ONE: Select one of the figures from the list or choose your own historic figure. Once they are approved by the teacher, begin researching the person and how they are presented in the media and artwork. Work from at least one portrait photo that you can use as a visual source when creating your drawing montage. 


Malcolm X 

George Bush 

Mother Theresa 

J.F. Kennedy Jr. 

Rosa Parks 

Nelson Mandela 

Muhammad Ali 

Martin Luther King 



(Or anyone you wish to draw but you have to get the approval from me first)

STEP TWO: Begin by making 3 conceptual sketches in your sketchbook in order to plan out your composition – arrangement of figures – i.e. montage/ narrative of your chosen figure. • How are you going to arrange the narrative montage? • What story are you telling through your montage? 

STEP THREE: Once your conceptual sketch(s) have been approved, begin your drawing on a large sheet of paper. WRITE your Artistic Statement Template to document your artistic process. 

STEP FOUR: REFLECT: Answer the following questions using the elements and principles of design and hand them in with your completed drawing(s) for evaluation. 

1. What part of your finished project did you find most successful and why? 

2. What part of your finished project did you find least successful and why? 

3. If you had to do this project, what part would you change or improve on and why?

3 different Sketches of your idea!