Lesson 1.3 Homework Forums

Ovide Sun

Ovide Sun

by Shaoxuan (Ovide) Sun -
Number of replies: 0

  • What does Canada export?
    Natural resources (oil, gas, timber, minerals), agricultural products (wheat, canola), manufactured goods (vehicles, machinery), and services (finance, tech).

  • Five common primary industries:
    Agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining, oil, and gas.

  • Pros and cons of branch plants:

    • Pros: Job creation, market access, technology transfer
    • Cons: Profits go to the parent company, there is limited local control, less domestic innovation
  • Examples of tertiary industries:
    Retail, healthcare, education, transportation, banking.

  • Absolute vs. comparative advantage:

    • Absolute: Producing more efficiently.
    • Comparative: Producing at a lower opportunity cost.
  • Why import apples despite absolute advantage?
    A country imports apples if another has a comparative advantage, freeing it to produce other goods more efficiently.