Lesson 2.1 Homework Forum



by Thuy Anh (Sandy) Huynh -
Number of replies: 0

  1. What kinds of foods cause stress to the body?

Food causes stress:

  • Sweetened food

  • Canned food

  • Frozen meals

  • Fast food

  • Wrapped food 

  • reconstituted meats like sausages, nuggets, and fish fingers. 

2. Use the 5 steps for reframing a stressful situation into something stressful.

5 steps:

  • Write down what you struggle with it

  • Which way can you figure out how to prevent or deal with stress?

  • What elements make you feel that fear is not as terrifying as you think?

  • Name one reason you can handle it.

  • List one good thing about that situation. 

3. Explain four common types of meditation.

  • Mantra Mediation: It’s commonly based on the Chinese Tradition Method (CTM). Also known as Transcendental Meditation (TM), is when you repeatedly recite a series of sounds called a mantra.

  • Mindfulness meditation: is when you focus on being aware of what you’re sensing and feeling in the moment, without judgment. It helps center the mind on the present rather than thinking about the past or future. 

  • Breathing exercises: use conscious breathing to center the mind. 

  • Visualization is when you imagine a positive emotion in great detail. 

4. What makes a good relationship?

  • Healthy relationship can help you reduce stress. Partner should feel comfortable when they discussing their thoughts, feelings and concerns without fear of judgment

5. How does a sense of purpose relate to stress?

A strong sense of purpose is linked to better mental health outcomes, including lower levels of depression and anxiety. This mental well-being can reduce overall stress.