1. frozen meals,boxed foods like cereals and pizzas,wrapped foods like bread, pastries, candy,reconstituted meats lie sausages, nuggets, and fish fingers,sodas and other sweetened drinks,canned food,fast food.
2. Write down what you struggle with it,Which way can you figure out how to prevent or deal with stress?,What elements make you feel that fear is not as terrifying as you think?,Name one reason you can handle it. List one good thing about that situation.
3. Mindfulness meditation,Mantra meditation,Breathing exercises,Visualization
4.you feel you can really count on the other person to be there for you when things get rough.
5.stress resistant people manage stress physically, mentally, and spiritually. From a physical standpoint, they eat healthily, exercise consistently, and sleep well. From a mental standpoint, they reframe stress stories and meditate to cultivate inner peace and emotional stability. From a spiritual standpoint, they nurture relationships and connect to a strong purpose of serving others.