Lesson 2.2 Homework Forum



by Siqi (Sarah) Cao -
Number of replies: 0

1. Pleasure is a short-lived high from external sources like food or entertainment. Real happiness is a lasting sense of peace and contentment. If you think others owe you, it will kill your happiness. To overcome entitlement, focus on gratitude. Gratitude brings joy and contentment.

3.  Happiness is about having fewer desires. If we chase too many desires, we will be stressed and disappointed. But if we make the most of what we already have, we will be content.

4. This means giving to others without expecting anything in return. Kindness brings happiness and meaning to life.

5. Don't base your happiness on things you can't control. If we focus on what we can control, we are more resilient.

6.  Kintsukuroi is a Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with gold. It symbolizes how life's setbacks can make us stronger and more beautiful. We can find happiness and resilience by learning from difficulties.

7. Don't compare yourself to others. Focus on your progress. Improve based on your past. This makes you feel good.

8. People focus on their partner's flaws or expect them to change, rather than working on themselves. Be kind, focus on others' strengths and try harder. This will make your relationships healthier and happier.

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