1. Effective (use of resources): Using resources in a way that achieves the desired result or goal.
2. Priority: The importance or urgency of something, deciding what should be done first.
3. Consequence: The result or outcome of an action or decision.
4. Efficient (use of resources): Using resources in a way that achieves the maximum output with the least waste.
5. Economize: To reduce the use of resources or money in order to save.
6. Economics: The study of how people, businesses, and governments make choices about using limited resources.
7. Social science: A field of study that focuses on human society and relationships, including economics, psychology, and sociology.
8. Stakeholder: A person or group with an interest or concern in a decision or situation, like customers, employees, or investors.
9. Scientific method: A process for investigating or solving problems by forming a hypothesis, testing it, and analyzing the results.
10. Economy: The system of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services in a country or area.
11. Analytical (or positive) economics: The study of economic facts and behaviors based on data and objective analysis, without opinions or recommendations.
12. Normative (or policy) economics: The study of how the economy should be, based on value judgments and opinions about what is desirable.
13. Utility: The satisfaction or benefit gained from consuming a product or service.
14. Util: A unit of measurement for utility, representing the satisfaction or benefit from consuming goods or services.