Lesson 4.5 Production

Prepare a presentation to the co-founders of Airbnb: Joe Gebbia and Brian Chesky. 

Answer these questions:

  1. What do the customers care about most? (e.g., price, quality of experience, safety, customer service, etc.). How is it different from American customers.
  2. What should AirBnb’s competitive advantage be? (Remember competitive advantage is what makes you different from competitors in a way that the customers care about)
  3. Which expansion strategy (JV, globalize, or localize) should AirBnB use and why? If local, how can they adapt their offerings?

Bonus question: What should Airbnb’s Chinese name be?

爱彼迎 had problems because it sounds like 愛必應 which is not the image AirBnB wanted.

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