Group Activity: Key Elements of a Short Story - Story Pass

We will be working together as a class to create another short story. However, THIS TIME we will be writing down our contributions one at a time and posting to the forum. 

The Story Pass Game: 

  1. Mr. B will begin a story by writing the words, "Once upon a time...". Mr. B will introduce the setting and some of the main characters. 
  2. After Mr. B has posted his sentences to the forum, the next person will take over and continue the story.
  3. This is repeated until everyone has had a turn to tell a portion of the story. 
  4. The last person will need to find a way to conclude the story. Once they have said a few sentences, they will pronounce, “THE END!”
You will each be responsible for certain parts of the plot. Please post to the forum one at a time. Here is the order we will be writing in:

  • Mr. B  -  will introduce the main characters - Jody, his sister, & a flying horse Serena 

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