Lesson 2.2 Glossary - Hunting

ZoosHugely popular attractions where animals are kept for public display and entertainment.
CriticsPeople who express negative opinions or objections.
ArtificialNot natural; made or produced by humans.
EnvironmentsSurroundings or conditions in which something or someone exists.
DiversityA range of different things or variety.
EnclosedConfined or closed off.
DeprivationThe state of lacking or being without something.
StressedFeeling mental or emotional pressure or strain.
Mentally illSuffering from a mental disorder or illness.
WildExisting, growing, or living in a natural environment.
RelativesFamily members or connected by blood or marriage.
UnnaturallyIn a way that is not natural or normal.
MarineRelated to the sea or ocean.
TricksActions or behaviors performed for entertainment or amusement.
MammalsWarm-blooded animals that have hair or fur and produce milk for their young.
SuicideThe act of intentionally causing one's own death.
ConservationThe protection, preservation, and careful management of natural resources and wildlife.
InspireTo fill someone with the urge or ability to do or feel something.
MistreatedTreated badly or cruelly.
CircusesEntertainment shows that feature performances by trained animals.
AbandonedLeft behind or deserted.
BehaviourThe way in which someone acts or conducts themselves.
IllnessesMedical conditions or diseases.
EndangeredAt risk of extinction or disappearance from the wild.
PoachersPeople who illegally hunt or capture wildlife.
HabitatThe natural environment in which an animal or plant species lives.
PredatorsAnimals that hunt, kill, and feed on other animals.
SecureSafe, protected, or free from danger.
Genetic diversityThe variety of genes within a population or species.
SurplusAn amount or quantity greater than what is needed or used.
CircusesEntertainment shows that feature performances by trained animals.
RanchesLarger farms or properties where livestock is raised.
EnclosureAn area surrounded by a fence or barrier.
ImprisoningKeeping someone or something confined or restricted.
AttractionsPlaces or things that people find interesting or enjoyable.
DebatesDiscussions or arguments about a particular topic.
EnclosedConfined or closed off.
MistreatTo treat someone or something badly or cruelly.
ResearchSystematic investigation to discover new knowledge or information.
BreedingThe process of producing offspring through sexual reproduction.
Endangered speciesSpecies that are at risk of extinction.
PopulationsAll the individuals of a particular species in a given area.
ReleaseTo set free or let go.
IndividualA single organism or person.
ManagedTo be in charge of or control something.
HarmfulCause damage or negative effects.
ImprisoningKeeping someone or something confined or restricted.

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