CTL1602 week2 Presentation
Knowing machine learning for 30 minutes
- Use Teachable Machine to train a computer to recognize objects.
Paul Pu
Learning Goals:
Demonstrate how learning management systems work.
Demonstrate how technology can aid in flipped classroom learning.
Demonstrate how technology can aid in project-based learning.
Demonstrate how technology can aid in collaborative learning.
Learning Outcomes
Familiar with learning management system (MLS) concept
Knowing How to add course content in Moodle
Understanding what Machine Learning is and does.
Knowing how to use Google Teachable Machine.
Knowing how Teachable Machine can serve you and your community
Pedagogical Approaches
Collaborative learning
Project-based learning
Flipped classroom
Instructional strategy:
Instruction content will be preloaded in Moodle. Students have chance to complete readings at home. Demonstrate how technology can aid in flipped classroom learning.
Tiny Sorter-A experiment connecting Arduino + Teachable Machine will be brought to class. Students have a chance to train a model. Demonstrate how technology can aid in project-based learning.
Each student group will have a chance to create a chatroom in Moodle and then discuss in their chatroom. Demonstrate how technology can aid in collaborative learning.
Google Teachable Machine
Learning Management System (LMS)
Welcome to the Moodle community
How to add course content in Moodle