Creating a New World

Imagine that life on earth has become unbearable, and a new planet that is just like earth has been discovered. 

You have been put in charge of  deciding who and what will go to this new planet

With a partner discuss the following

1. The name of the new planet

2. How many people will be allowed on this new planet

3. Which type or groups of people will be allowed- ages, genders, education etc

4. What things will you take from earth and what things will you not allow

5. How  the planet will be divided 

6. What rules you will create and which rules you will definitely not use

7. What will homes and communities look like?

8. How will life on this planet be better than earth, based on your choices

If you can, draw or find some pictures that show your ideas.

You will present this new planet to the class

Last modified: Tuesday, 1 March 2022, 1:22 PM