Day 3

Today, the class started with some questions related to the University of Toronto. Then we were asked to show our Ai chatbot products (mine was OK). After that, we tried some websites including: Call Annie and Writesonic. In the afternoon, we learned different styles of painting and got to draw some pictures by ourselves (drawing stopped me from feeling sleepy). 

I like the abstract type of drawing more than the other one (don't remember the name) as it is less difficult to complete. 

Then we went to the Square One shopping mall to have dinner. I did not expect the meal to be extremely large so I ordered double the size I was supposed to have, and ended up not finishing anything at all (should not have done this 😭😭😭). But we brought some home and I am trying to get rid of them (help😢). 

My friend got a bit of "emotional damage" when she heard we could not stay at the mall till late night because we didn't know how to catch the bus (first time here). But not the case for me because I have already been here once (twice?). 

最后修改: 2023年08月7日 星期一 19:41