Lesson 3.1 - Understanding and Producing Media Texts; Novel Study Editing
Learning Goals: By the end of this lesson you will be able to
- reflect on the media you consume with awareness and a critical eye.
- understand the elements of building a media presentation text
- apply these skills to your Novel Study Presentation
- develop your Novel Study Presentation for posting
Tell us about the social media platforms you use, for example Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. All together, how much time each day do you spend on them?
**50 words or Record your response in a 1-2 minute video.
5 True or False Questions on Canadian News Media
Timing: 10 minutes
Think of an interesting news story that you want to deliver to people. Use the 5 W's and H to answer questions about your news story.
What is your story? What form (video, article, blog, announcement etc.) will it take?
Describe how your chosen form is best suited to reach your audience.
What 'Hook' would you use to attract your audience for the title and first sentence?
When and where did this story happen?
Why did it happen?
**Be creative in choosing a topic that is interesting: Ex. Natural Disaster; Good News; Student Learning/New Learning in Education
**Work in Partners and groups of 1-5; Put on a Google Docs/Slides; Video; Audio etc.
**75-100 words; PDF and Post to Moodle below. Be ready to briefly share your news story to your class