Lesson #28, June 20, 2024 Residential Schools- The Aftermath
Learning Goals: By the end of this lesson, you will be able to
Who is this man?
What do you know about the Indian Residential Schools in Canada? Have you seen the news about the Church's apology for its role in this horrific system?
Let's read an article that provides details about this issue.
Instructions: Demonstrate your understanding of the article by answering these questions. Be sure to check your grammar before posting.
You have read and written several news reports in this course. Let's see how much you have learned about this important text.
Use the activities in the attached document to identify the key elements of the image shown. Write a (minimum) 1-page News Article based on the image, and using details from the article.
Your aim is to report on the issue from the point of view of the Indigenous peoples of Canada and Residential school survivors.