Cathy - Queen of Cats - Vignette #5, pages 12-13

Opened: Monday, 20 March 2023, 8:00 PM
Due: Thursday, 23 March 2023, 8:00 PM
Make a submission

How would you characterize Cathy - flat or round? It is too early to know if she will reappear later in the book, so we can't know if she will be a static or a dynamic character.

With your peer partners, Create a CHARACTER ANALYSIS CHART with three columns: (1) one column for physical traits; (2) one column to describe actions/behaviour and their meaning; (3) one column for any spoken words that reveal character traits. FILL IN THIS CHART for the character of Cathy Queen of Cats.  You will use a similar chart for subsequent characters that appear in other Vignettes.

Submission Format: PDF (include your name, date and assignment title)