Activity 3.2.1 – Part 1: “God is Not a Fish Inspector”

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The focus in this and the next few short stories you read will be on character and characterization

Read God is Not a Fish Inspector by W.D. Valgardson (can be found in Unit 3 - Resource Folder).

Please check Glossary 3.2 for vocabulary highlighted in yellow in the short story

The story is broken down into 3 parts.  Just Read the first part during this activity. You will read the second part after the next lecture Part #2 begins with the paragraph highlighted in green. You will read Part #3 in the following activity. It is highlighted in blue.

After you have completed reading the first part of the story, answer the following questions which will be taken up in the next lecture. It is important that you form an opinion using these questions to guide your analysis.                  

  1. Do you identify with Fuisi, the old man in this story? 
  2. Do you find it easy to sympathize with him? Why or why not? 
  3. What are the difficulties Fusi faces and the objections he encounters in attempting to continue fishing? 
  4. Why is it so vitally important to Fusi that he continues to fish? 
  5. In what ways does the author help us to experience life from Fusi's point of view?

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