Chapter 3 Questions

Instructions: As you finish reading chapter three, condiser the following questions. Write your answers for each. Some questions require simple answers that state what happens in the novel, while others require you to think critically about the meaning of the events. 

  1. What was the problem with the farm tools?
  2. Why did Boxer wish to wake half-hour earlier each morning? 
  3. Why did the animlas  now enjoy their food more? 
  4. What images were on the Animal Farm flag? What to they symbolize?
  5. What are Boxer’s strong points?
  6. Who did the most speaking in the Sunday meetings?
  7. Who could never agree in the Sunday meetings?
  8. Why did Snowball summarize the Seven Commandments into “Four legs good, two legs bad”?
  9. Who enjoyed this sloagn the most?
  10. Where did the new puppies go? For what reason?
  11. What happened to the milk and apples?
  12. What further examples of the difference between the pigs and the other animals occur in this chapter?
  13. What shows that there are already problems in the leadership of the new government?
  14. Considering the pigs are in charge, do you think it is fair that only the pigs are allowed to drink the milk produced? Why or why not?