Judicial Systems in the World - Homework



by Tan Dung (Danny) Le -
Number of replies: 1

France's judicial system is divided into judicial and administrative courts. Judicial courts handle criminal and civil cases, with the Supreme Court of Appeals (Cour de cassation) at the top, 36 courts of appeals, 161 tribunaux de grande instance, and 307 tribunaux d’instance at the lowest level. Administrative courts deal with public law, led by the Council of State (Conseil d’État), with 8 courts of appeal and 42 tribunaux administratifs. Additionally, the Constitutional Council (Conseil Constitutionnel) reviews statutes before they are enacted, oversees national elections, and addresses constitutional questions from citizens. It has nine members, appointed by the president, the head of the National Assembly, and the head of the Senate. Through France's judicial system, I can learn the value of having separate courts for criminal, civil, and public law cases.

139 words