Act I Questions



by Tan Dung (Danny) Le -
Number of replies: 0

1. The setting in the first act is a small apartment in Chicago and they need to share the bathroom in the hall, which can illustrate poverty and struggles with financial problems. 3 words that personify the room are overcrowded, tired, and old

2. I think one predominate word in the text that characterizes Ruth is weariness, because she always feels tired and burdened of her responsibilities in the family

3. From my perspective, Walter is an ambitious man because he want to be a provider or breadwinner in order to provide a better life for his family. However, his impatience leads to conflict in the family

- Ruth and Travis: Ruth cares deeply for her son and wants the best for him, but is often strict due to stress
- Walter and Travis: Walter has a more playful and aspirational relationship with Travis

5. Honestly, I think she is smart, independent, and determined. She speaks confidently and often challenges traditional ideas, which can be seen through how she want to play guitar

6. Ruth mentions that black domestic workers don't call in sick unless absolutely necessary, reflecting the pressure to work hard despite hardships.

7. "You pregnant?" (Hansberry 57)

8. Assimilationism is adapt to a new culture and not able to keep the original background. I believe that Asagai does not like the assimilationism because he value his cultural heritage. Beside that Beneatha confuses when Asagai has a comment about her hair style relate to assimilationism vbut she reject it.

9. In my opinion, Walter's reaction to Mama implying that Ruth is going to abort her pregnancy are shocked and upset. He may feel failure and helplessness because he cannot provide a better life conditions and his family's financial issues