Act II, Scene i Questions

Jessica, Isabella

Jessica, Isabella

by Isabella Angel Galindo -
Number of replies: 0

1.     Beneatha says, "Enough of this assimilationist junk!" To what is she referring? 

She said that because the music that sounded at that moment in the radio was blues and the blues is a music genre that the African-Americans created in the United States due to the assimilationist when they were leaving their African roots behind and trying to become more like the American people.

2.     Why do you think Walter joins Beneatha's performance? 

We think it was because he wanted to escape a little bit from the reality, they were living in the moment full of problems. Maybe he also realized that the music her sister was singing was from their African roots and it was a little bit of connecting with their past.

3.     Provide a quote that describes Ruth's attitude toward Walter that evening?

 A quote that could describe Ruth’s attitude towards Walter could be: “(without looking up) In your heart of hearts you are much drunkard” (Hansberry 78) because she didn’t even look up to him because she was irritated and tired. Maybe also angry because of Walter’s reaction to her pregnancy.

4.     Why do you think Walter chooses to imagine himself a great warrior? 

It was because he wanted to escape from reality for a moment. He felt like if he had no control over the house. He couldn’t provide enough money for them. His wife was thinking of aborting the baby. No one cared about the investment he wanted to do and her mom didn’t even consider it. He felt as if every decision was made without him. He felt frustrated and trapped in an endless job. He was also drunk.

5.     What is George Murchison's reaction to Walter? To Beneatha? Why might George not be as interested in his African heritage as Beneatha? 

Because George is an African-American men who goes to college and have “privilege” in comparison with Walter so he doesn’t see his roots as important as Beneatha’s seen them.

6.     What does eccentric mean? George says that Beneatha is only interested in heritage because that curiosity makes her eccentric. Do you agree with George? Why or why not? 

Eccentric is used to describe someone or something that deviates from the norm. We don’t think Beneatha is interested in her heritage to be Eccentric. We think it is because she cares about it. She cares because she wants to know where she is from and we think also because she met Joseph Asagai and she got more interested in African cultures.

7.     George declines Ruth's offer of a beer. How does this refusal emphasize the disparity in their class? 

We think it can represent two things. The first one is that it can be a subtle way of showing disrespect because he doesn’t feel comfortable or at ease in their environment. The second one is that beer at that time was seen as a working-class drink so it could mean that he preferred more refined beverages

8.     Describe the dynamic between Walter and Mama. Why is Mama acting aloof? 

She is acting like that because she wants to avoid conflict with his son as he is drunk and she didn’t help him with his idea. And because she wanted to tell his grandson the notice of her buying a house.

9.     Why does Ruth ask, "Is there - is there a whole lot of sunlight"? What does sunlight symbolize? 

Ruth's question about sunlight is a way of expressing her complex emotions about the new houses. It's a mix of hope, fear, and a longing for a better life. Mama's answer serves as a reassurance and validation of those hopes.