Act II, Scene ii Questions



by Trung Nguyen (Nigel) Nguyen -
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1. Provide a quote that illustrates Beneatha's estimation of George. How does Mama respond to Beneatha's dismay? What new dynamic do we see between Beneatha and Mama?

Beneatha's estimation of George:

"George Murchison – I wouldn’t marry him if he was Adam and I was Eve!"

Mama's response to Beneatha's dismay:

Mama responds with patience and wisdom, trying to guide Beneatha to see beyond her immediate feelings. She advises Beneatha to be patient and understanding, suggesting that not everyone sees things the same way and that George's wealth doesn't necessarily make him a bad person.

New dynamic between Beneatha and Mama:

The new dynamic we see between Beneatha and Mama is one of growing understanding and mutual respect. Mama starts to recognize Beneatha's need to explore her own identity and aspirations, while Beneatha begins to see the wisdom in Mama's traditional values and experiences. This mutual recognition leads to a deeper bond between them, even amid their differences.

2. Define the following words:

a. Enthusiastic

  • Definition: Having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.

b. Overbearing

  • Definition: Unpleasantly or arrogantly domineering.

c. Sanctimonious

  • Definition: Making a show of being morally superior to other people.

d. Duplicitous

  • Definition: Deceitful; guilty of or involving deceit or deception.

e. Intrusive

  • Definition: Causing disruption or annoyance through being unwelcome or uninvited.

f. Instigative

  • Definition: Intended to incite or provoke action or feelings, often causing trouble or conflict.

g. Racist

  • Definition: A person who believes in or acts upon the idea that certain races are inherently superior or inferior to others, often resulting in discrimination or prejudice based on race.

3. Provide a quote that illustrates Walter's feelings of being trapped.

A quote that illustrates Walter's feelings of being trapped is: "I want so many things that they are driving me kind of crazy… Mama – look at me."

This quote reflects Walter's deep frustration and sense of entrapment in his current life situation, where his dreams and aspirations seem unattainable and are causing him significant emotional turmoil.

4. How is Travis' asking Walter if he is drunk significant to the characterization of both Walter and Travis?

Travis' question, "Daddy, are you drunk?" is significant for several reasons:

For Walter:

  • Signifies Walter's Struggles: It highlights Walter's frequent resort to alcohol as a coping mechanism for his frustrations and disappointments.
  • Undermines Authority: The question underscores how Walter’s authority and reliability as a father are being questioned, even by his young son, revealing Walter's vulnerability and the impact of his actions on his family's perception of him.

For Travis:

  • Awareness of Problems: It shows that Travis is perceptive and aware of the troubles within the household, including his father’s struggles.
  • Role Reversal: The question implies a subtle role reversal where Travis, despite his young age, is forced into a more mature position, concerned about his father's behavior and well-being.