Act II, Scene ii Questions

Jessica & Isabella

Jessica & Isabella

by Jingzhe (Jessica) Shi -
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1. Quote: “He’s so shallow.”

Mama’s Response: “Well—when a man starts measuring somebody, he’s usually trying to figure out how tall he is.”

New Dynamic: Mama supports Beneatha’s independence and critical thinking, showing growing respect for her perspective.


a. Enthusiastic: Showing intense and eager enjoyment.

b. Overbearing: Arrogantly domineering.

c. Sanctimonious: Pretending to be morally superior.

d. Duplicitous: Deceitful, double-dealing.

e. Intrusive: Unwelcome or uninvited disruption.

f. Instigative: Provoking or encouraging action.

g. Racist: Believing in racial superiority or discrimination.

3. “I’m a giant—surrounded by ants! Ants who can’t even understand what it is the giant is talking about.”

4. It shows Walter’s instability and Travis’s growing awareness of his father’s struggles.