Discussion Forum 1.1 -



by Shuyu (Anna) Dong -
Number of replies: 0

  1. Effective (use of resources): Using resources in a way that achieves the desired result or goal.
  2. Priority: The importance given to certain tasks or goals over others.
  3. Consequence: The result or effect of an action or decision.
  4. Efficient (use of resources): Using resources in a way that maximizes output while minimizing waste.
  5. Economize: To reduce spending or use fewer resources.
  6. Economics: The study of how people, businesses, and governments make choices about using limited resources.
  7. Social Science: A field of study that examines human behavior and societies.
  8. Stakeholder: A person, group, or organization affected by or involved in a decision or activity.
  9. Scientific Method: A systematic process of observation, hypothesis, experimentation, and conclusion used to study phenomena.
  10. Economy: The system of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services in a society.
  11. Analytical (or Positive) Economics: The study of "what is" in economics, focusing on facts and cause-and-effect relationships.
  12. Normative (or Policy) Economics: The study of "what ought to be," focusing on opinions and value-based recommendations.
  13. Utility: The satisfaction or benefit a person receives from consuming a good or service.
  14. Util: A unit of measurement used to quantify utility.

189 words