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UNIT 1 Marketing Fundamentals - LESSON 1.1, 1.2 ,1.3---------------------------------------Tuesday 5th November.

Learning forums

Section Forum Description Discussions
Day 1 - Introduction Introduce Yourself

Record a 1- 2 minute video on Moodle to introduce yourself to your teacher and your classmates.

Please let us know the following information about yourself:

  • Your name
  • Your background culture
  • Your interests and hobbies
  • What you look forward to in this class
  • Short message to your classmates

Then, please ...

Lesson 1.1-Marketing Basics/Activities Discussion Forum 1.1 - Topic

What factors you think influence a customer to make a purchase?

Lesson 1.2- The Marketing Concepts/ Strategies Discussion Forum 1.2 -

Has a drop of price ever changed your demand for a product? Give an example

Lesson 1. 3 - Customers Icebreaker FORM

What motivated you to make your most recent purchase? The weather? Your mood?

What influences consumers to buy products?

Discussion Forum 3 - Topic

Name a product and explain why you purchased it because of social influence. ?

Lesson 1.4- Competition Icebreaker FORUM 4

Think of a product you buy often, name it.

Then name as many direct competitor for that product as you can.

Discussion Forum 4 -

Name a product or store you know that competes on price. Name another that competes on a non price basis

Lesson 1.5- Marketing Research Icebreaker FORUM 5

Have you ever conducted a survey or have participated in one? Describe your experience..

Discussion Forum 5 - Topic

Imagine that you are asked by your favorite store to help it learn about its customers.
Describe the primary data you would collect. 

Lesson 1.6-Marketing Globally and for Non Profit organizations Icebreaker FORUM 6

State the difference between a NPO and a business when it comes to profit

Lesson 2.1 -Products: Goods, Services, and Events Icebreaker FORUM 2-1

List 5 services you use

Lesson 2.2- Branding Icebreaker FORUM

How many brands names can you list?

Discussion Forum

What is the difference between a corporate brand and product brand?

What is the difference between a slogan, logo and brand name?

What is the difference between manufacturer brand and private brand?