Lesson Plan 1.3 - The Architecture of Poetry (TPCAST)
Overall Expectations |
1. Reading for Meaning: students read and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of literary, informational, and graphic texts, using a range of strategies to construct meaning; 2. Understanding Form and Style: recognize a variety of text forms, text features, and stylistic elements and demonstrate understanding of how they help communicate meaning; 3. Reading With Fluency: use knowledge of words and cueing systems to read fluently; 4. Reflecting on Skills and Strategies: reflect on and identify their strengths as readers, areasfor improvement, and the strategies they found most helpful before, during, and after reading. 5. Listening to Understand: listen in order to understand and respond appropriately in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes; |
Specific Expectations |
READING: 1.3 identify the most important ideas and supporting details in texts; 1.4 make and explain inferences of increasing subtlety and insight about a text, supporting explanations with well-chosen stated and implied ideas from the text; ANALYZING TEXTS: 1.6 analyse poems in terms of the information, ideas, issues, or themes they explore, examining how various aspects of the poem contributes to the presentation or development of these elements (e.g., analyse how literary devices are used to illuminate a theme; track significant words or images to determine how they are used to reinforce certain themes and ideas); 1.8 identify and analyse the perspectives and/or biases evident in poems, including complex and challenging texts, commenting with understanding and increasing insight on any questions that may raise about beliefs, values, identity, and power; 3.3 regularly use a variety of strategies to explore and expand vocabulary, discerning shades of meaning and assessing the precision with which words are used in the poems they are reading. |
Learning Skills (Where applicable): |
Students will draw on their knowledge of poetry from ENG3U and previous experience with various genres of poetry. |
Learning Goals |
Today you will learn about a very effective tool to help analyze poetry. It's known as the TPCAST System. |
Success Criteria By the end of this lesson students will be able to: (1) communicate their opinions and interpretations of what poetry is in an even clearer way both orally and in writing; (2) make richer and increasingly more insightful connections between the ideas in poetry and their personal knowledge, experience, and insights, and connect these to the world around them. |
Materials and Resources |
Gurl by Mary Blalock My Papa's Waltz by Theodore Roethke Spring and All by William Carlos Williams Through a Restaurant Window by Sheryda Warrener TPCAST (PPTX) Victoria Soto by Kayla Czaga [What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why] by Edna St. Vincent Millay Homework Assignment |
Timing (min) |
Lesson |
5 |
TODAY'S ICEBREAKER (less than 50 words) If you had to choose one Superpower, what would it be and why? |
5 |
Moisten your finger and hold it straight up in the air. You will notice at once that one side of the finger is cold. This is the direction from which the poem is coming. (Sharon Harris - Cdn artist and poet)
10 |
Short Quiz: Assessment FOR Learning Done 5 questions |
15 |
Video Lecture #1 Done TPCAST (PPTX). Analytical System: First, infer content based on a poem's Title; then attempt to Paraphrase; consider Connotation, determine Attitude, locate any tonal or setting Shifts, make predictions about Themes |
30 |
Poetry Activity #1: Spring and All by William Carlos Williams (USA. 1883-1963) Apply the TPCAST Analytical System to William's poem. HINT: Williams was also a practising medical doctor. Create a Chart for TPCAST analysis of the poem. On the chart for the TITLE write in complete sentences your opinion about it; for PARAPHRASE copy five lines from the poem, and then rewrite in your own words; for CONNOTATION select five new words you don't know and write their meaning; for ATTITUDE write your impression of the feeling and tone of the poem; for SHIFT locate at least one physical and one emotional/tone change; for THEME write your interpretation of the poet's intention and meaning. |
10 |
Video Lecture #2 Done
30 |
Poetry Activity #2: What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why by Edna St. Vincent Millay (USA, 1892-1950) Deliver a TPCAST Analysis from notes presented as a five (5) minute long oral response posted on Moodle. First, read the poem with as much meaning and emphasis expression as possible. Then present an oral analysis. Don't read from a written statement, but keep eye contact with the camera except when briefly referring to TPCAST notes |
15 |
Video Lecture #3 Done
30 |
Poetry Activity #3: Done Victoria Soto by Kayla Czaga My Papa's Waltz by Theodore Roethke Both poems describe tragic events and incidents, and both deal with children. According to personal interpretation, how effectively does each poem communicate a message? Answer with approximately 75-100 words for each poem and post to Moodle. |
25 |
Discussion Forum: AS Learning Done Which advantages might a poem have over a story, a photograph or a newspaper article on the same subject to: (1) teach a lesson (2) to move people emotionally (3) to move people to take action |
Assignment OF Learning / Homework |
This assignment will be graded OF LEARNING and will carry a weight of 5% towards the students' final Course Mark. Done Using TPCAST as an analytical tool, write a 200-250 word essay analyzing Through a Restaurant Window by the Canadian poet Sheryda Warrener who was from Ontario, but she is now living in Vancouver. The poem is in the Resource File for this unit. Upload as a WordDoc (12 pt Times New Roman, double spaced) on the Moodle course page. PLEASE: Don't forget to put your name on the assignment. |
Please answer a few short reflection questions based on Lesson #3 on the Exit Card on the Moodle Course Page |
Reflections (What do I need to do to become more effective as a teacher in supporting student learning?) |
I need to make the lectures dynamic, making full use of the SmartBoard to illustrate the content and bring it to life. I also need to model the readings with the right tone and emphasis to highlight the emotionality, significant words and sound with clear emphasis. |
Assessment Strategies Check all that apply (Teacher may modify the list) |
For Learning |
As Learning |
Of Learning |
Student product:
Conversation: X Student teacher conferences X Small group discussions |
Student product:
X Homework □ Self-analysis sheet □ Peer-analysis sheet Observation: X Whole class discussions X Group discussions Conversation: X Student teacher conferences X Small group discussions
Student product:
Observation: □ Student-led discussion/debate
Conversation: □ Student teacher conferences □ Question and answer session |
Lesson Tools Check all that apply (Teacher may modify the list) |
Direct Instruction □ Structured overview □Lecture □ Compare & contrast □ Socratic method □ Demonstrations |
Indirect Instruction □ Problem solving □ Case studies (poems) □ Reading for meaning □ Inquiry □ Reflective discussion □ Writing to inform □ Concept formation □ Concept mapping □ Concept attainment |
Instructional Skills □Explaining □Demonstrating □Questioning |
Interactive Instruction □ PowerPoint □Video clip □ Debates □ Role playing □Brainstorming □ Peer partner □ Learning/analysis □ Discussion □ Laboratory groups □ Cooperative learning □ Groups □ Jigsaw □ Problem solving □ Conferencing |
Independent Study □Essays □ Computer assisted □ instruction □ Journals □ Learning logs □ Reports □ Learning activity packages □ Correspondence lessons □ Learning contracts □ Homework □ Research projects □ Assigned questions □ Learning centers |
Experiential Learning □ Field trips □ Conducting □ Experiments □ Simulations □ Games □ Story telling □ Focused imaging □ Field observations □ Role-playing □ Model building □ Surveys □ Case studies |