Homework and Independent Study Sept.2
1. All Course Agreements on (Course Agreement Page) are due tomorrow (Friday) at 8:00 pm. **Click confirm for all Course Agreements. **I will be checking this.
2. Plagiarism Test (Course Agreement Page in Moodle) is due on Tuesday at 8:00 pm. **I will be checking this.
3. Student Information Form and Learning Skills Self-Assessment due tomorrow (Friday) at 8:00 pm. **See Day One Introduction Page **I will be checking this
4. Start your Time Log today. **See example on Moodle
5. 'Introduce Yourself' Video/Message due tomorrow (Friday) at 8:00 pm in Moodle. **Respond to 2 other classmates's postings.
Independent/Asynchronous Course
1. For Learning Welcome Questionnaire due tomorrow (Friday) at 8:00 pm. **PDF and post to Moodle in the correct spot.